1. Yama (social / moral discipline)
- (i) Non-violence (Ahinsa)
(ii) Truthfulness (satya)
(iii) Non – stealing (Asteya)
(iv) Celibacy (Brahmacharya)
(v) Non-Acquisitivieness (Aparigraha) - Gift of yoga is to restore tranquility, self control on body, breath & mind – thoughts feelings & emotions. Yoga leads from separateness to Unity in diversity.
2. Niyam (Individual Discipline)
- Rules of conduct towards one self consists of certain disciplines which are both physical & mental and are:
(i) Cleanliness (Shaucha)
(ii) Contentment (Santosha)
(iii) Austerity (Tapas – overcoming desires through senses)
(iv) Self study (Svadhyaya)
(v) Ishvara Pranidhana (Surrender to God)
3. Asana (Postures)
- Asana sometimes called hatha yoga or consists of Exercises. During Asana holding the body in a particular posture co-ordinating with breath & mind bring stability to the body and poise to the mind.
The practice of asana brings purity in tubular channels , firmness to the body and vitality to the body and the mind. There are many asanas as many as you like now even reduced from 909 to 65. But one should not practice more than 5 at one time that to individualized. - Some of importants Asana are :
1. Trikonasana
2. Ardha Matendrasana
3. Dhanurasana
4. Merudandasana
5. Katichakraasana
4. Pranayama (Breath management)
- Pranayama is not control of breathing, but it is regulation of breath means Prana, life for a Divine cosmic Energy.
- Breath is a bridge between body & mind. Our life is nothing, but series of Breaths. Correct & right breathing leads to Good health, clear mind and a vibrant spirit. Some of the important Breathing techniques are Abdominal Breathing, Ujjivi, full yogic breathing, Kapal bhati, Alom vilom, cooling Pranayam. Sitkari, Shitali, Brahmari, Bhastrika.
5. Pratyhara (Discipline of the Senses)
- 1st four steps of Ashtang yoga are part of Bahiranga yoga – outer, Physical. Now, starts ‘Antaranga yoga – Inner training of mind & senses. With the strength of determination (sankalpa Vritti) and discrimination (Vivek Vritti), to overcome inner chattering of the mind – which is a foundation of Meditation as well for progress in science of yoga.
6. Dharna
- Dharna is reaching a decisive conclusion in regard to a object or subject (topic). This is achieved after cessation of chattering of the mind through breath in & breath out & fixing attention on Ajna Chakra. The practice of Dharna helps the mind to concentrate on a particular objcect is beginng of Meditations.
7. Dhayana or Meditation
- This is seventh step of Ashtanga Yoga as well as objective in the process of yoga.
- All six steps are preparation for Meditation.
- Meditation is a process/techniques to quietening our mind or cessation of worldly thoughts & achieve pure consciousness attached to remembrance of our source supreme soul or God. Here is abundance ocean of energy, bliss, love, happiness and to lead a delightful living.
8. Samadhi – Self realization – Nirvana
- Samadhi is climax of Dhyana is a stage absence of attachment, Moha & Ego separateness.
- Every human being is born for this ultimate purpose. We generally think that Moksha or Nirvna comes afterwards, and Dharma, Artha & Karma are before that. But truth remains all happens together & it is just present.

Yoga means unity and the secret of yoga lies in finding the balance & harmony,
through eight steps of Ashtangayoga of maharishi
through eight steps of Ashtangayoga of maharishi