YOGA - The Science of holistic living
Yoga in 21st century is called holistic medicine - an integrated system which covers all dimensions of life viz: moral, physical, mental, emotional, social & spiritual.
Yoga is a way of life and in true sense is to follow Ashtanga yoga of Maharishi Patanjali. Meditation is the highest state of Yoga.
STRESS: Inevitable part of life
If anything restricts us from full enjoyment in our life - it is stress. Unfortunately, stress has acquired the shape of great monster.
YOU ARE, What You Eat
Right & Balanced food not only source of physically fit, vitality & energy, but also influences our psychological well being (mood, temper, behaviour). Food carries nutrients not only helpful in healing, but is essential for prevention & managing illness. "When diet is wrong medicine is of no use. When diet is correct medicine is of no need."
Over the last 100 years of research in the field of medicine has entirely changed means of diagnostics, surgery & drug therapy.
Yet, it has its own limitations, therefore an integrated/Holistic approach is recommended to achieve our goal of good health.